Wedding Ceremony Format
Below is a Wedding ceremony guide, outlining each part of the Wedding Ceremony. As part of the Platinum Wedding Package, I am available to work with you helping you to personalise your ceremony, creating a unique and perfect wedding ceremony.
To help you in creating your Wedding ceremony I will also make available to you my ceremony booklet of verses and poems. In this booklet there are lots of ideas and options for each of the sections listed below. You can simply use this book to give you direction and we can write new wording or you may find that you need not look anywhere else when designing your ceremony.
I can be available as much as you need to create your ceremony and we can also look else where if need be. You of course may feel that you don't need a lot of my help. It is completely up to you.
There are of course legal requirements that need to be included in the ceremony and you will see them outlined in red below.
I welcome your guests and introduce myself.
The Giving Away
This is an opportunity for the head of the household or a representative of the family to undertake the traditional “Giving away”.
Here we touch on the bond between you the Bride and the Groom, which has brought you to this day and your unity in marriage. We can talk about what marriage means to you and so on.
A Reading or Poem
A special Reading or poem chosen by the Bride and Groom to set the mood.
I am required by Law as part of the Marriage Act 1961 to use a specific given definition of my authorisation with which to conduct the ceremony, and also of the nature of the marriage relationship. This is a mandatory part of your wedding ceremony and is necessary to reaffirm that what you are doing is serious and binding.
“I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law. Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter. Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life”.
The Asking
Having touched on what marriage means to you the Bride and Groom, this is where each of you will be asked, “will you love, respect”, etc.
The Vows
This is where you exchange vows/promises to each other. By law each the bride and groom needs to include within their vows this following quote. “I call upon the persons here present to witness that I “full name” take you “full name” name to be my lawful wedded wife/husband.” I have also created a formula on how to write your weddings vows. You will find this formula in the Ceremony builder booklet.
Ring Ceremony
An opportunity to express what the rings mean and their value/symbolism to each of you and then exchange rings with some personal words.
A Final Reading, Song, or Poem
A special poem chosen by the bride and groom.
Mini Ceremonies
There are all sorts of mini ceremonies that can be incorporated into the ceremony. This is another way in which you can personalise the ceremony or/and include family members. These can symbolise aspects of the bond between you the Bride and Groom. Some mini ceremonies are religious, some have historic significance and others are unique to the Bride and Groom’s journey to this point and the future as Husband and Wife. Some examples are.... The sand Ceremony. Candle lighting ceremony. Treasure chest ceremony. Release of Butterflies. Including children with a parental dedication and or give to the child. We can always create a new mini ceremony if you like also.
Declaration of Marriage
Here we summarise the sentiments of the ceremony and you are declared or pronounced Husband and Wife. Sharing your first kiss as Husband and Wife.
Signing of the Marriage Register
You will have by this time chosen 2 Witnesses to sign the legal documents. The legal requirement of the Witnesses are that they are to be 18 or over and could hear the ceremony. I will announce that the bride and groom will seal their vows with the signing of the register (or words to that effect) and guests can enjoy some music at this time. There are 3 documents to be signed and 5 people to sign them. Once the signing is complete any photos that the photographer has not yet taken can be taken. It is a good idea to have 2 - 3 songs chosen to be played in the background.
Presentation of the Bride and Groom
Ladies and Gentlemen or Family and Friends, it gives me pleasure to present to you all for the first time.......the Bride & Groom as Mr & Mrs, newly weds, husband and wife, or a title of your choice. You will then walk back down the aisle and be congratulated by your guests. A lively upbeat love song is really nice while you are being congratulated.